Rolex: On top of the world

The upcoming winter days associate us on the very significant achievement from Rolex heritage - a demanding and challenging climb to the mountain top, the famous Mount Everest.

As a testimony to the unforgettable summit, we present you with an illustration from 1957 advertising campain, made in honor to those significant achievements. Shortly after legendary Hillary & Norgay expedition, Rolex also introduced the famous Explorer watch with a black dial.

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Rolex: On top of the world

The upcoming winter days associate us on the very significant achievement from Rolex heritage - a demanding and challenging climb to the mountain top, the famous Mount Everest.

As a testimony to the unforgettable summit, we present you with an illustration from 1957 advertising campain, made in honor to those significant achievements. Shortly after legendary Hillary & Norgay expedition, Rolex also introduced the famous Explorer watch with a black dial.

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